The gallbladder is a small organ located just below the liver. In the body, it is an organ known to form gallstones. These gallstones are pieces of hard matter that can range in size and can grow to be the size of a golf ball. The gallbladder can harvest one large single gallstone, several small gallstones or a combination of both large and small stones.
Unlike other diseases, these gallstones may live in the gallbladder for a long period without showing signs of any disturbance. Many individuals do not even realize they have gallstones until the first major symptom arises. If these symptoms do occur, it is crucial to seek the help of a Newport Beach gastroenterologist as gallstones can be fatal.
Without warning, gallstones may cause sharp and sudden pain in the upper right abdomen. This pain is caused when these pieces of hard matter block the biliary tract ducts. In blocking the ducts, pressure increases in the gallbladder, creating a gallstone attack and causing immense pain. After one or more several hours, a gallstone usually stops when the gallstones no longer block the ducts.
These complications resulting from the attack may, in some cases, become more problematic at certain times during the day. They tend to appear during the evening and often accompany heavy meals. To diagnose the possible presence of gallstones, a Newport Beach gastroenterologist may order an ultrasound exam. Other exams such as an MRI and CT Scan may be necessary.
Begin your treatments with the help of Dr. Quist by calling his office at (949) 645-8300 today.