Anorectal Disorders are classified to include many uncomfortable, and often outright painful, diseases. Symptoms of these include, but are not limited to, diarrhea, fissures, warts and hemorrhoids that affect the anal region. A careful evaluation by Dr. Quist, one of the best Newport Beach gastroenterologists, can bring to light any present anorectal disorders while also preventing any future complications. Some of the tools used to confirm their presence include a physical exam, colonoscopy, biopsy, ultrasound and MRI.
The veins in the anus and lower rectum play an important role in the control of bowel movements. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins based around the area of the anus and lower rectum. An increase in pressure to the lower rectum causes the veins to stretch, bulge and swell. The cause of these veins is attributed to several factors. Over the years, chronic diarrhea, constipation, obesity, and excessive straining during bowel movements can cause increased pressure on these veins.
Hemorrhoids are classified into two distinct categories-internal and external. The different hemorrhoids associated with the respective locations produce great pain. Visit Dr. Quist’s office if you experience any of the classified symptoms mentioned.
After diagnosis, the goal of medical treatment is to address and treat the symptoms rather than remove any affected tissue. With medications provided by the doctor and suggested invasive procedures, any symptoms are sure to disappear. Stop any bothersome symptoms today.
Do not let painful hemorrhoids get in the way of your day to day activities. Call (949) 645-8300 to schedule your consultation with one of Newport's finest gastroenterologists!